Published in 2010 but updated in 2013
"Many people might think that the Race Director is the soul of an event. But for Ace Adventure Challenge (AAC), the soul lies in you, the racers, the volunteers, and the sponsors."
Joanne Soo
Race Director
Ace Adventure Challenge
And here is where Joanne is only half correct (or half wrong, depending on how you look at it). Having taken part in 4 out of the 6 ACE races, I can safely say that the Race Director of the Ace Adventure Challenge races is the "Queen of Souls"! She puts her heart, sweat and tears into every event that she organises, and I'm glad to have put mine into her events! Kudos to Joanne and her great team! Hip hip hurray! :)
As with any adventure race, teamwork is critical in completing a race....and if you're lucky, you may end up with teammates who share your passion, joy, pain and laughter....sometimes laughing all the way to the podium!
Here are some of the teammates that I shall forever share fond memories of our pain and suffering together...thank you guys! Couldn't have done it all without ya!
2004 - Team Angels (LingtheMerciless, Becks and Rina) |
2005 - Team JAFT (Becks, Mingloid and LingtheMerciless) |
2007 - Team BetchaKennyLingers (not in photo) (Becks, Lopez and LingtheMerciless) |
2010 - Team WTF (YungKhan, Lopez and LingtheMerciless)
2011 - Team BechaKennyLingers (Becks, LingtheMerciless and Lopez) |
2013 - Team Angels (Rina, Becks and LingtheMerciless)
Thanks to the photographers who took these great shots!!!
2004, 2005, 2007 Albums
Album (Ling)
2010 Race Albums
Album (Bernard Koh)
Album 1 (Chin KK)
Album 2 (Chin KK)
Album (James Wong)
Album (Jervis Mun)
Album (Kenneth Koh)
Album (Laura Liong)
Album (Lee YungMing)
Album (Sharon Chia)
Album (Teh Boon Keng)
Album (Wilson Low)
Album (Yap ChiWei)
2011 Race Albums
[to be updated]
2013 Race Albums
[to be updated]