Wednesday, February 01, 2006

"Mischief" by The Cat and the Rat

Presenting "Mischief" by the Cat and Rat
CNY resolution : How to chase the silly Dog away....
Plug in mindphone song : Peelings......nothing more than....peelings...

I'm so a-peeling
It's Mandarin Orange you're dealing
No place in the zodiac
Turned me into a maniac!

A rat? A rat?
It's me you're smelling at
Together with the Conniving Cat
We'll try to chase away the Poochet!

Kapow, kapow
Goes the firecrackers
Weapons of Dog Destruction
Caused by citrus eruption

Alliances, we'll form
A cat-a-ma-rat will be born
Much larger and fiercer than the canine
One look, and it's "Dial 999"

Two oranges for good luck?
Pineapples? Durians? Who gives a *uck!
We'll play fetch with Patch
Who'll choke on the double catch!

Red Rover, Red Rover,
Send that ang pow right over,
Make that an oversized ang pow
That'll crush the poor bow wow

Better still, send over lots of Chrysanthemum tea
So that it'll always have to pee
Little would it suspect
That it was all a fine act

When the doggie's gone
We will rejoice in dance and song
Over a packet of chrysanthemum tea
Next to the toilet, would be we!

We'll celebrate
The end of the dog
No more barking
But sleep like a log

Two heads exchanged
Are better than one
You may think us deranged
But we're just having some fun

This is just our silly way
of welcoming the Year of the Dog!
Hurray, hurray,
It's a cat-a-rat-astrophic day!

The End!

Orange Peel Artist : Maximuzz (and his side-kicks, Merciless and Space Cadet)

Disclaimer : Orange-peel art is not an invention of the above artist.
In fact, it has been circulated in the internet some eons ago.
The artist above and his CNY kakis were inspired to re-created the art of orange-peeling-and-dealing
to while away the afternoon with a full stomach while parents were busy entertaining friends.
Try it! It's quite therapeutic!


LingtheMerciless said...

Hee hee! We had fun taking them!

Ladybug said...

Haha!! This is so funny!
Was Space Cadet back for this new year? I hope she is well.

LingtheMerciless said...

No, space cadet still in cloudland, unless she diggeri-do-ed herself back! I cheated...this was last year's CNY visit to my parents...this year, we helped mummy cook, so no time for CNY ECAs like these...

Janice said...

wow amazing!!

LingtheMerciless said...

hey Janice...u mean u have time to blogsurf? hope da wedding preps are going well! Love the photos on your blog! :)